NDIS Incident and Injury Reporting
BMedical recognises the health and safety of its employees and clients is a priority and if accidents or incidents do occur, they should be reported. Incidents should be investigated to ensure that the possibility of recurrence or further risk is minimised.
Incidents may occur from time-to-time when receiving support, and the reporting of incidents to BMedical plays an important role in keeping everyone involved safe.
You can report any incident to BMedical using the incident reporting form here.
Please check your incident reporting options below.
What is an incident?
Incident refers to any event which causes or could have caused injury, illness, damage to facilities, equipment, vehicles, property, material, or the environment or public alarm or damage to the business. It also includes losses of containment, fire, explosion, non-compliance with environmental regulatory requirements, and vehicle incidents.
Reportable Incident- An incident that involves the event or allegations of:
- The death of a person
- Serious injury of a person
- Abuse or neglect of a person
- Unlawful sexual or physical contact with, or assault of, a person;
- Sexual misconduct committed against, or in the presence of, a person, including grooming of the person for sexual activity; or
- The use of restrictive practice, other than where the use is in accordance with an authorisation (however described) of a State or Territory in relation to the person.
What happens after reporting an incident?
BMedical’s Team will manage the incident in accordance with our Injury and Incident Reporting Policy. We will review the incident within 48 business hours and may contact you to seek additional information as required.
Depending on the incident’s severity, they will take different steps which may include:
- Contacting affected parties to gather more information
- Facilitating access to support services
- Ensuring continuity of services for you
- Referral to Insurance to assist with a potential insurance claim
- Notifying relevant government or official bodies.
If a registered provider is connected to your BMedical account, BMedical will also forward the incident details to them for review and investigation.
Where necessary, BMedical will report incidents directly to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission or the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
Concerns about negative reactions to a report
We understand you may have concerns about reporting an incident. Please be reassured that BMedical does not disadvantage anyone for providing feedback or making a grievance.
After you report an incident, BMedical has a duty to act on reports that represent a breach of our Code of Conduct or Terms of Use.
You can make an anonymous report, but please keep in mind that if the BMedical team can’t identify you or the people involved in the incident, we are limited in the actions we can take to assist you.
How to lodge an appeal
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the investigation you may lodge an appeal by emailing the General Manager with your concerns at feedback@bmedical.com.au
If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome following the conclusion of the investigation process, then you may wish to refer the matter to an appropriate external body such as:
- Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner in your State or Territory.
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